The Month Ahead


Maybe I’m being overly optimistic, but just recently I have felt the green shoots of some sort of post-COVID recovery taking place in music-making. This could of course be a false dawn, or blind optimism on my part, but I’m going to take it as a positive thing in any case. I’ve written some music, am writing some music, and people are paying me to write more music - all of which is good. The 10 October sees the Dutch premiere of The World on Fire in Leiden (following on from recent Polish and Portuguese premieres and a Canadian one to come in 2022) as well as a rare performance of my early Four Tonal Songs (1996). The 17th of the same month sees the world premiere of Regina Coeli (2020) by the Choir of All Saints Church, Fulham. Looking a few weeks ahead, the Marian Consort will give the premiere of the as-yet-unfinished An Sang o’ Mary in Aberdeen in November. Green shoots…



On Giving My Music Away for Free…


On ‘Not Being a Conductor, or Organist, or Singer…’