The Month Ahead

November is a busy month of performances and recordings with the highlight being the culmination of my sabbatical piano project. This recording, for the Prima Facie label, will be made by Duncan Honeybourne and will feature many new works from the past two years, including the Folksongs and other pieces on the theme of transfiguration. The Marian Consort will record my work Canticum Mariae Virginis (2021) for Linn Records for release in 2023 on the 15-17 November. The Svanholm Singers will give further performances of The Shadow Calls in Malmö and Eslöv in Sweden. The University of Aberdeen Chamber Choir will perform my The Mystery of Light (2019) on the 19th and the month ends with The Sixteen giving the first of five performances of There is no rose (2013) in Basingstoke on the 29th.



On Ralph Vaughan Williams at 150…


The Month Ahead