The Month Ahead

February sees a flurry of performances, mainly in Scotland and mainly for the piano. The 16th is the launch of the new CD Transfiguration: Piano Music by Phillip Cooke at the University of Aberdeen where pianist Duncan Honeybourne will perform the Theme and Transfigurations (2022) and Impromptus (2022). Duncan is also performing Songs of Morning and Night (2022) in Peebles (10/02), Aberdeen (13/02) and Cromarty (17/02). His tour also includes a concert in Inverurie, where he will premiere the National Anthems (2022). In between all of this, Caritas Chamber Choir will give a performance of How Clear, How Lovely (2010) in Kent, and organist Matthew McVey will record one of my two Hymn Tune Preludes (2019).



On the BBC Singers…


Review of 2022