The Month Ahead

www.phillipcooke.comFollowing a busy November, December carries on in a similar fashion. The University of Aberdeen Chamber Choir will perform There is no rose (2013) at the university carol service in London at Marylebone Parish Church on the 1st. On the 5th the Merbecke Choir will perform the same work in their carol service at Southwark Cathedral, conducted by Huw Morgan. On the same day the Northern Spirit Singers will give the UK premiere of O salutaris Hostia (2008) in Durham, conducted by Clare Wills. There are further performances of There is no rose at St Paul's, Covent Garden on the 13th and in Glasgow from the Glasgow Chamber Choir on the 10th and 18th.


On Harrison Birtwistle's 'The Gleam'...


Interview on BBC Radio Scotland